Monday 14 December 2015

The Devil and Free Will

People will do what they do because they want to do it; weather being for a good deed or a bad deed. I believe as most Witches or people who walk the path of the old ones or people that think with a rational mind. It is YOUR choice and NO one else, you take full responsibility of your actions and you can’t blame outside forces.


The outside forces I am talking about the big bad word that we as witches get tarred with and the word is “The Devil”. People or some people are quick to blame it on the devil as though the person has no choice and the devil will manipulate them to do whatever he want them to do. I think it is too easy to say it was the devil, and for me it gives the person a get out of jail free card. At some point in your life you will have to stop and look at your choose and see what you want to and where to go and how to change your life for the best.

 The reason why I am writing this blog is because I was talking to a person and yes he is a Christian. We were talking about what I believe which lead us to the concept of the devil and I told him (like I have time and time over again) that I don’t believe in the devil. He got on to say that the devil was strong and he walks among us, if he starts gaining power (something to that affect) then that it is bad. I yet again said ok that is fine if you believe in it but I do not, as it is a Christian concept. He looked at me like I slapped him in the face. He then got on the topic of suicide and when they jump in front of a train or anything like that (I held my breath as I knew what he was going to say) it is the devil that is pushing.

Yep he said it.

I looked at him and held my breath and slowly answered, it has nothing to do with the devil, it is a mental illness, it is a mental disorder. It is someone who is lost and feel as though they have nowhere to turn to.  He looked at me and couldn’t understand what I am saying as he asked me,

Is that because of your realign?

I looked at him and I couldn’t believe what he was saying to, it was something from the Dark Age.

It has nothing to do with me being a Witch, my realign or my spiritual path. It is a medical problem and they need help and support.

I said it again to him my point of view.

See that’s my point people are too quick to jump to say it’s the devil and this is not helping the person who is lost or their family. So we would need to understand them and try to help them in the best way we can.                


  1. Well Written Shane :) but poor you your xtian friend sounds like a nutter

    1. Thanks but it got me thinking and gave me a good reason to write this blog :)
      Thanks for reading it :)xxx
      Shane )0( xxx
